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in a place that inspires you

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A space
full of life energy

Comfort, peace and attractive location – these features perfectly describe the nature of the estate at ul. Strachowicka – a place that is a perfect space to relax away from the hustle and bustle of the city.

ATAL Strachowicka will combine suburban charm with modern architecture and become a great offer for those looking for an apartment in the western part of Wrocław.




or balconies




The first stage of the investment will include the construction of four buildings, two of which will consist of five above-ground storeys, and the next two of six storeys.

The well-thought-out spatial arrangement of the estate will provide all tenants with a maximum privacy and comfort. Each of the apartments will have a spacious balcony, while the apartments located on the ground floor will have green gardens.


Harmonia ekologii i estetyki

Na terenie osiedla znajduje się staw, który będzie pełnił nie tylko funkcje estetyczne, ale również ekologiczne i retencyjne. Ten naturalny zbiornik wodny stanie się centrum bioróżnorodności, przyciągając różnorodne gatunki flory 
i fauny, co wzbogaci ekosystem osiedla. Dzięki swoim właściwościom retencyjnym, staw będzie pełnił kluczową rolę w odpowiednim zarządzaniu i utrzymaniu stosunków wodnych zarówno w czasie opadów, jak i suszy.

Staw zapewni mieszkańcom nie tylko piękny widok z okien ich mieszkań, ale również stanie się miejscem, gdzie będą mogli spędzać czas na łonie natury, obserwując rozwijające się życie wodne i słuchając śpiewu ptaków.

Housing program

Decide in installments Your dream apartment – no rush, no risk.

Make the decision to buy an apartment “in installments”.

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Both people looking for a cozy, small apartment and those who dream of a spacious five-room apartment will find their space here.

ATAL Strachowicka is an investment comprising 105 apartments of various layouts and footage.

In terms of everyday facilities, the estate has been designed in the spirit of the latest urban and architectural trends.

The pond located right next to it will be developed, surrounded by greenery and will become a place for recreation for residents.

Construction schedule


in bright shades

The body of each of the buildings in the ATAL Strachowicka housing estate will be maintained in a subdued but effective modernist style.

The bright facade will be broken by dark gray elements on the first and last storey. Such a composition will perfectly correspond with the green areas around the estate.


The Project Department
of ATAL S.A.

The Project Department of ATAL S.A. comprises experienced architects, graduates from the Faculty of Architecture at the Silesian University of Technology, Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Cracow University of Technology and Academy of Silesia in Katowice, Lodz University of Technology and Poznań University of Technology, including those who gathered experience in foreign architectural studios. Its mission is to develop multi-family residential projects which will not only be functional and practical, but will also enchant with their innovative form and architectural design.

When designing new estates, our architects not only take care of utility and aesthetic aspects, but also look for innovative solutions catering for contemporary needs of residents. In this way, they contribute to creating harmonious, balanced space identified with the notion of a modern habitat.

Sales Office

ul. Na Polance 22F

51-109 Wrocław

Monday: 10.00 - 18.00

Tuesday - Friday: 08.00 - 16.00

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Nota prawna

The information contained on this website does not constitute an offer within the meaning of the Civil Code, but is for information purposes only. These visualizations are for illustrative purposes only. The appearance of the buildings and land development may slightly differ at the stage of investment implementation. The essential features of the service and the buildings' functionality will not change.
The deadlines provided are of an infomative nature only and are subject to change. Binding deadlines will be included in the customer contract.

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